
Radio CG: What We’re About

After a lot of back and forth, we decided not to post the 8/22 episode. What began as a conversation about “Defund the Police” (and its various interpretations) exploded into an argument. Hey, politics can get passionate. We get it. What we don’t get – and won’t endorse – is when the ugliness that permeates today’s political scene seeps into our show. Finding common ground means holding everyone to higher standards. Even ourselves.

The conversation made us take a step back and think about what this show is, and what we want to be.

We want to be the place where people can feel free to voice their opinions about what’s going on in the political sphere – without risking being barked at.

We want to be the place where those same people can reach across the aisle to share the kinds of ideas that will help us come together as a country.

We want to be the place where folks find Common Ground.

We started Common Ground because we were sick of the shouting matches and anger are par for course in politics these days. We’re real people, doing our best to make a difference in our small way.

For us, that means realizing when we’ve taken a misstep. It also means not keeping that recording up, because in the end it doesn’t help us find the Common Ground we’re looking for. It just breeds more divisiveness.

So we’ll try again next week, and hopefully hold true to our values.

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