Kids Are the Future

  • How far does the first amendment stretch?

    Radio CG 7: The First Amendment & Failed Parenting

    Tonight’s episode was pretty wild: We found common ground right away, specifically regarding the new Netflix show Cuties. The guys agreed that the show was disgusting and set a bad standard. In fact, Republicans and Democrats across the country seem to be able to agree on Cuties even when they don’t agree on anything else. But how did a show like this get made? What does it say about parenting these days? The conversation that followed was one for the ages, with plenty of callers and even a couple references to QAnon. How Much Does the First Amendment Cover? We’re not going to chat too much about what Cuties is;…

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  • Sports used to glue this country together

    Radio CG 6: Sports & The Truth

    September has arrived, and school is getting underway – at least, it’s trying to. The country is currently a hodgepodge of virtual and in-person classes, and the same is true for kids’ sport options. Some schools have cancelled sports entirely; others are trying to keep them going. We set out to discuss how losing sports affects children and how we can craft a sporting plan that keeps kids (and everyone else) safe…but as it often happens, one question led to another, and soon we were confronting some pretty tough issues. What Do Kids Lose Without Sports? We’ve touched on the importance of sports for kids before, but we’ll reiterate a…

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  • COVID-19 has halted many youth sports

    Radio CG 2: The Covid-19 Impact – Why Kids Need Sports

    There’s no question that COVID has put a damper on sports all over the country. You’ve probably seen or at least heard about how the major sporting leagues are handling the changes (and to be honest, things seem to shift on a daily basis). Something that gets left out of the chatter? Kids’ sports. Across the country (and around the world), millions an millions of children have had their beloved after-school sports ripped away. But kids need sports – what kind of impact is this going to have on them? We aren’t just talking about high school and college kids who might miss the draft, by the way. Excelling at…

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