Rules and Regulations

  • Can we still speak freely?

    Radio CG 11: Can We Still Speak Freely?

    These days, there’s a lot of talk about our freedoms. We’re worried about them, and what impact the party in power has on those rights. We were not talking about those rights for this particular show; instead, we focused on the amount of policing we’re doing to each other. Right, left, or centrist, it’s getting harder and harder to voice an opinion about politics without getting absolutely dogpiled. On Saturday’s show, we tried to address the question: Are we “talking” ourselves out of our democracy? The Problem If you spend any time on the internet, then you’ve probably seen the following scenario play out at least once. Someone on Twitter,…

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  • It Got Crazy

    Radio CG 10: The Craziest Week in Politics Ever

    Our tenth episode capped one of the craziest weeks we’ve ever seen in politics – maybe the craziest week. We had tax returns, the wild debate, the first lady’s taped remarks…and then the president caught COVID. We had a lot of callers this week, and a lot of questions that needed answers. That Debate “So, what did you think of the debates?” We didn’t find a clear-cut winner. We did find an awful lot of yelling and accusation-slinging, which, unfortunately, seems to reflect a lot of what’s going on in the country in general. Republicans feel their boy came out on top; Democrats feel the same about theirs. But everyone…

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  • COVID-19 has halted many youth sports

    Radio CG 2: The Covid-19 Impact – Why Kids Need Sports

    There’s no question that COVID has put a damper on sports all over the country. You’ve probably seen or at least heard about how the major sporting leagues are handling the changes (and to be honest, things seem to shift on a daily basis). Something that gets left out of the chatter? Kids’ sports. Across the country (and around the world), millions an millions of children have had their beloved after-school sports ripped away. But kids need sports – what kind of impact is this going to have on them? We aren’t just talking about high school and college kids who might miss the draft, by the way. Excelling at…

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  • Do you trust the government to regulate the Internet?

    Radio CG 1: Should the Government Regulate the Internet?

    We hit the ground running in our very first radio show, where we broached a topic that’s cropped up more and more in conversation: Should the government regulate the Internet? Can it regulate the Internet? You probably won’t be surprised to learn we ended up opening a can of worms. Have a listen and let us know what you think!

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