
Radio CG 15: And The Winner Is…

The election is sort-of over, and we have a winner – or do we? The media called the presidential race for Joe Biden, and those who voted for him are definitely rejoicing…but there’s 70 million + people who are existing in a state of grief. Emotions ran high for this episode, but we raised some legitimate questions: Do Democrats see the millions of Trump voters as racists? How do we secure our elections so there is no doubt about them? Can this country heal?

Bringing Us Together

The show aired right after Biden made his victory speech, where he described the need to unify the country and reach out across the aisle. It’s necessary – much as both sides might prefer to ignore each other, the reality is we cannot just ignore half the country – and also, we hope, a symbol of cooler heads in politics.

But is it possible?

A lot of our callers seemed to think it wouldn’t be. “I don’t believe in common ground – we won’t find it,” one said. He urged the GOP to let the Democrats have their victory and to understand that there won’t be an epic “coming together” under Biden. Others railed against the voter fraud supposedly committed to put Biden into office.

We don’t seem to be talking politics anymore. Both sides have their own ideologies, which are wildly at odds with each other.

But Was It Fraud?

Of course, the president himself is whipping up complaints of voter fraud, and has been doing so for months. Many of our callers feel mail-in voting is ripe for corruption; they cited votes for Biden suddenly “appearing” in Pennsylvania (Fact: Pennsylvania law permits mail-in ballots to start being counted on the day of the election, not before, hence the “appearing votes.”).

The president is entitled to go to the courts for this. At press time, his efforts have been dismissed.

One caller maintained that the president’s supporters believe in him so strongly they would never commit voter fraud…whereas the Democrats certainly would.

Obviously, we want fair and free elections in this country. The guys have discussed potential ways to make voting more secure in a previous show. How are we supposed to get there at this point? No one knows.

Is It Over?

Probably not by a long shot.

Biden’s calls for unity may go unanswered. One side feels victorious; the other, at least the ones we talked to, believe he won through fraud and the true president is being wrongly harassed.

We don’t know how this is going to shake out. The only common ground we all seemed to find was that we all disagree right now.

Stay safe, everyone, and be well.

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