COVID has always been political
COVID-19,  Healthcare

Radio CG 16: COVID Edition

It’s no secret that we’ve devoted a lot of airtime to politics and the (still-ongoing, it seems!) presidential election. Today, we’re going to talk about the other big thing that’s been going on for most of the year: COVID-19, and its impact on, well, everything and everyone.

For those of you who don’t know, co-host Pat and his entire family came down with COVID-19 in November. They aren’t 100% sure where they were infected; suspicion rests on a board meeting his wife attended, as everyone there ended up falling ill. Pat’s daughter and 84-year-old mother were also impacted; at showtime, his mother was still in the hospital receiving oxygen (though thankfully not on a ventilator).

Pat himself still has an ongoing cough, but considers himself lucky; his case was not severe. The guys talked for a bit about the people who do face complications from COVID pneumonia and other respiratory difficulties this virus can bring. The unfortunate medical truth is that we’re still learning about COVID and what it can do to people long-term. We hear the most stories about respiratory illnesses, but it is also known to impact the cardiovascular system. We may be figuring out lingering symptoms and side effects for years.

The good news is we can treat it better than ever, and vaccines are on the way. The bad news is, this thing is still going to spread; we’re bracing ourselves for the hit associated with Thanksgiving gatherings.

Impact on Businesses

Cases have already surged, and states have enacted (or in some cases, reenacted) measures to prevent the spread. This has included shutting down restaurants and limiting retailers to 20% capacity. What often gets lost in all this, though, is how this will impact the business owner. Your local pizza place is already having trouble paying the rent, their staff, and their supplies due to the restrictions on dining in; cut them off entirely and what are they supposed to do?

Yet for many states, shutting things down seems to be the only option to stop the seemingly unchecked spread.

Impact on Hospitals

More bodies in the hospitals means we’re working out healthcare personnel harder than ever. Visiting hours are cut down, along with the attention given to those without COVID. Other ailments haven’t taken a vacation just because we’re facing a pandemic; you still have your broken bones, kidney stones, cancers, and more to contend with on top of this extremely contagious virus.

Impact on Politics

We did nod to the political parties toward the end. Democrats and Republicans have handled COVID-19 very differently. Which side was right?

Honestly, probably neither of them. Total lockdown is never the answer, but then, neither is total disregard.

The ending consensus? Our front-line healthcare workers are phenomenal, and we salute and thank them. We also caution you to stay safe and just hang in there a little longer. Vaccines are on the way. There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel.

“We’re heading to the end zone,” Dean says. “Don’t get tackled on the one-yard line.”

Stay healthy, everyone. We’ll talk to you next weekend.

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